Most people are aware that getting a good night’s sleep is important for overall health, but few realize there is a correlation between sleep and motivation. Our need for sleep varies depending on several factors.
Sleep deprivation can have many negative effects on our bodies, including physical and mental fatigue which can all have an impact on a person’s motivation.
This may lead to a person finding it more challenging to stick to exercise and dietary goals.
The right amount of sleep
Getting the right amount of sleep is important for overall health and can also help to improve motivation levels. It is generally recommended to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Some people may need more or less sleep depending on their age, lifestyle, and health. From a training perspective, optimal sleep promotes recovery, physiologically and biologically. If sleep deprived these factors can impact your mental state. If you’re finding your progress has halted, decreased or you’re struggling to stay motivated, it may be worth considering whether you are getting enough sleep.
Why do I have no motivation
Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on motivation. A lack of sleep can lead to decreased energy levels and concentration. This can lead to fatigue which can make it difficult to stay accountable to goals.
If you find you are struggling during your workouts or finding it difficult to get yourself up and to the gym it may be because you aren’t sleeping enough and this may be having a negative effect on daily life. Downloading a sleep app or tracking your sleep on your smartwatch can give you a good indication of how much sleep you are getting each night, giving you a better understanding of how rested you may be heading into your workouts.
How to improve your sleep
It is important to look at reasons why you may be getting less sleep than you need. Factors such as caffeine intake can have huge effects on your sleep. By cutting down the amount of caffeine you have a day or giving yourself a deadline will mean the caffeine you do have will leave your system before going to sleep that night. It is recommended the average person should consume no more than 300mg of caffeine a day. If you find yourself having more than this, it may be worth cutting it down and seeing if your sleep improves.
Having an evening routine is also important, winding down before bed can help your brain to switch off. If you find yourself looking at your phone or tv for hours before going to sleep, it may be harder for you to switch off and sleep. Try switching off all screens around 90 minutes before you aim to fall asleep. Lastly try to eat around 2hr before bedtime, eating too close to bedtime means the digestive system will still be doing overtime while you are trying to unwind, this makes it harder for your body to relax.
If you have any further questions about sleep and how it can affect your training make sure you follow our social media we often have information about optimizing your training and nutrition.